Care about room`s roses

How to care for a room rose, that’s what this article will be about. You will learn in what conditions it is necessary to store roses, what is the necessary temperature, how to care for a rose in winter, etc.

For indoor roses it is better to choose remontant, tea-hybrid or polyanthus sorts of roses. The main biological features of these roses are approximately similar. At all leaves consist of five large leaves, large enough various coloring which pleasantly smell. Indoor roses should grow on their own roots, since the grafted on rosehip, it is difficult to care for. If you follow the care described below for these plants in the room, you will inevitably be satisfied with the result. The bush will look more decorative for at least six years, and you will be able to reproduce it without damage to the plant.

We advise you to read The right care for roses: 8 recommendations

Roses are plants that need a period of rest. Therefore, they need to ensure the correct wintering from October to February. This requires a low temperature and a cool room, where the roses are placed after they have faded. The optimum temperature in the room will be +5 – 8 ° С. If you do not have the opportunity to isolate the roses in a separate room, try to protect them from the heat of the batteries and the heat that comes from the room. You can put, for example, a glass screen.

On your windowsill there must be a thermometer. And also it is necessary to put pots with plants on a foam or a wooden board to protect them from the cold of the windowsill.

If you still keep roses in a cold room, try not to water them, but only slightly moisten the soil. Do this procedure with cold water. The place where roses stand should be dry and clean.

Watch out for the temperature: if it’s too cold, you risk freezing roses, and premature warming is fraught with the fact that plants prematurely come out of dormancy.

In winter, when blossoming and leaves do not lose their leaves, they should be highlighted and watered at room temperature. It is also necessary to cover the pots of flowers with cardboard or a plate from hot air, so that the unbroken buds and already blooming flowers do not fall out before the time. With central heating, in order to prevent the drying of the soil, put pots with roses on a pallet with wet pebbles or gravel. Make sure that the stones are always wet.

With room maintenance, many varieties of roses bloom until January. We recommend reading about Rejuvenation roses

In autumn roses begin to suffer from lack of light and heat. They become unattractive: they lose buds, foliage, new shoots turn pale, plants begin to stretch. Therefore, roses with late flowering should be lightened with the onset of short days. This action will provide an opportunity to preserve the decorative nature of the plant and prolong flowering even before the New Year. Lamps should be turned on when the street starts to get dark, and leave until 24 – 01 o’clock at night. When plants start to leave the state of rest (when the plant moves from winter to spring regime) additional lighting should be used.

With the end of February, roses start to grow and should be raised slowly.

Now, you know how to care for a roomy rose

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