In this article, we will talk about these two characteristics of roses: forms of flowers and the color of roses. Let’s start with the forms flowers of roses. The flower has signs that help to distinguish roses by groups and varieties. This takes into account the structure of the pedicel, bract, petals, stamens and pistil.
Flowers of roses are bisexual. They come in different sizes – from small ones – 1 cm to large ones – 15-16 cm. On shoots there can be one flower and in inflorescences – from 3 to 200 pieces. The petals of the flowers can also have different shapes: flat, bent, with a wavy or serrated edge. The number of petals in a flower can vary.
There are such forms of rose flowers:
Single – 4-7 petals
Semi-double – 8-16 petals
Double – 17- 25 petals
Very Double – 30 petals
Full – 30-40 petals
Very Full – 41+ petals
Roses coloring
Very often the main criterion when buying a rose is its color. Coloring roses can be varied. There are roses with a monochrome coloring – all the petals are the same color.
Two-colored roses have petals on one side of the same color, on the other – different.
Multicolor Rose Alchemist
In a multi-colored rose, the color of the petals can vary with time, and as a result, the inflorescence consists of flowers of different colors.
Mixed color of a rose Candy Cane Cocktail
There are varieties in which the inside of each petal is colored in 2 or more different colors. This color is called mixed color.
Striped rose Abracadabra
There are flowers striped – each petal is painted in two or more colors, one of which forms strips.
Painted Rose Air Brush
The painted petals have strokes, spots or silvery pinnate pattern, a variant with a white eyelet in the base is possible.
The most common coloration among roses is: pink, there are fewer white and yellow colors. There are many roses among the red shades of flowers. The originators brought forth varieties of roses with greenish flowers, as well as lilac color with a bluish tinge. But there are no blue and blue roses.
Forms of flowers roses
Flowers of roses differ also in the form of a flower. There are such forms:
Flat shape – rose Sally Holmes
Flat – a slightly concave in the center of a flat-shaped flower with a small number of petals.
Rosette-shaped Crown Princess Margareta Rose
Rosette-shaped – a flat, slightly concave in the middle of a flower with numerous short petals, which are located in the right rows.
globular Skylark
Globular – a round flower, in which numerous petals are located in the right rows.
A bloom form described as “cupped” has petals arranged in a curving, circular pattern, with a scooped-out looking center.
Pompons – a large number of concave petals form a sphere, covering the center of the flower.
Square – four separate sectors form internal petals.
square form in Malvern Hills
Cup-shaped – numerous petals form a bowl, not covering the center of the flower.
With a cone-shaped center – this is the classical form of a tea-hybrid rose; long inner lobes folded into a cone.
High-Centered (Point) bloom form Arleene
With high-Centered (Point) – loosely closed inner petals form a core of an indefinite shape.
Аlberic Barbier
With a loose center – loosely closed inner petals form a core of an indefinite shape. Roses can have a flat shape, flattened, full, quartered blooms.
collapsing MOLINEUX
Collapsing – at the beginning of flowering a flower of the correct form, but by the end of flowering the petals are wide open and the stamens are visible