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rose Charles Rennie Mackintosh

rose Charles Rennie Mackintosh

ROSE GROUPenglish roses
SUB GROUPenglish old rose hybrid
COLOURlilac pink
HEIGHT4.5 ft
HARDINESSzone 5-10

The main part of English roses from D. Austin has flowers similar to the flowers of Old roses – lush, cup-shaped, with a rosette-like center etc. – and Charles Rennie Mackintosh is no exception. The bud is covered with sepals of soft green color. It has a rounded shape and the color of its outer lobes is rich in lilac-burgundy color. The rose flower of Charles Rennie Mackintosh is a large-sized, deeply cup-shaped flower. The average diameter is 10 cm. The flower can have up to 160 corrugated petals of a gentle lilac-pink color. In one brush open one by one  from 3 to 9 flowers.

The aroma of the rose Charles Rennie Mackintosh resembles the aromas of Old roses. Only in it there are still distinctly felt notes of lilac and almonds. The smell of rose be intensified in wet warm weather.

The leaves are many, and it is a soft green color, almost does not shine and is of medium size.

A beautiful cut plant.

The bush of the English shrub rose Charles Rennie Mackintosh is branchy, vertically directed. Throughout the season, actively releases new shoots that end with flower brushes, which indicates an almost continuous flowering. On the branches there are thorns. In hot regions, the rose is prone to overgrowing and produces whips more than 4.5 ft. You can propagate this sort of roses with cuttings, bush dividing and seeds. Most often, these flowers are propagated by propagation and division of the bush – the fastest and most convenient ways to increase the number of bushes. In addition, the division rejuvenates the plant.

Caring for the Rose Charles Rennie Mackintosh

роза Charles Rennie MackintoshTo plant a rose from any group, not only Modern garden roses or English roses, for Charles Rennie Mackintosh roses, choose areas of sunny or semi-shady (sun rays should fall for a minimum of 3-4 hours) with good drainage. The soil should be neutral or with a slight acidity (5,6 – 7,5), well-fertilized. In winter, there should be no drafts at the place where roses are growing.

With the beginning of the vegetation, the English rose Charles Rennie Mackintosh is fed for the first time with nitrogen fertilizers or by repulsed manure, compost. Then it should be fertilized once every 1.5-2 weeks with complex and vitamin fertilizers. At the end of September and beginning of October, the feeding is no longer final, so that the rose is fully ripe and normally entered the winter. Fertilize should be sure!

Watering the rose is necessary as the top layer dries up – 10-15 liters of water per plant. In hot weather, in the evening hours, you need to do spraying with warm water. To water it is necessary under the basis of a bush in portions. It is advisable to hold it also in the evening. Irrigation can be combined with fertilizer. Watered 1-2 times a week.

Pruning of bush roses is carried out all the time: in winter – to form a bush, in the spring – to remove not overwintered shoots, in summer – to correct and stimulate flowering. More details about the correct pruning of modern shrub roses read in “Pruning roses” or “Correct pruning roses“. In a cold climate, where winter temperatures fall below -22 ° C, it is better to cover it.

Using English roses Charles Rennie Mackintosh

букет роз Charles Rennie MackintoshIf you want to plant a variety of English roses under the name Charles Rennie Mackintosh, choose for her partners in dark-colored or yellow-colored plants. For example, roses Munstead Wood, Noble Antony, Sir John Betheman, Thomas A Becket, bells, delphiniums, mallow, foxgloves, clematis etc. The rose will perfectly match the coniferous: cypress trees, juniper, firs and pines.

If the English rose Charles Rennie Mackintosh is cultivated in containers, it will become an integral part of the patio, terrace or large living room.

In container gardening, roses are fertilized and watered more often than when grown outdoors

The variety of roses described above will create a fairly dense hedge or border. To plant a rose in a mixborder, choose the middle part of such a flower garden, if it has higher plants. Also remember the useful neighbors for roses.

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