French regular garden

Each person becoming the owner of a piece of land, a detached house, a small villa, wants to ennoble it, to give it its own unique charm. The easiest way is to hire a professional who communicates with you, will create a garden according to the preferences that he received from you. A regular garden is a luxury that pleases the eye all year round. A vivid example of such a garden is the French regular garden.

The French regular garden is the most famous example of charm: the Tuileries, Marly, Versailles, the parks of Peterhof and Tsarskoye Selo.

The main elements of the French regular garden:

  • Straight alleys
  • Strict Boschettes
  • Shriveled trees and shrubs
  • Carpet flower beds
  • Lawns
  • Strict geometric shapes pools with fountains
  • The abundance of sculptures in the classical style

The main characteristics of the French regular garden:

  • Extensive parterre spaces
  • The main thing in the design is the house, and the garden only emphasizes this
  • The main composition and the disclosure of its distant perspective
  • Visual expansion of space
  • The garden is divided along the axes
  • The garden has functional areas
  • A lot of green color – lawns, trees, shrubs …

Versailles. The style of the garden of the French type is a strict symmetry in the layout of the garden, straight lines, the mirror image of the axial composition. When he contemplates a feeling of grandeur and luxury.

Carpet Bed

The flower beds in the French regular garden have geometric shapes – a circle, an oval, a square, a rectangle, a star and a complex patterned pattern from ornamental annual plants. It can be arranged at the level of the lawn or slightly raised above it. They are built in the front part of the garden, at the intersection of the tracks and at the fountain. Decorate additionally flower beds with pebbles, gravel, sand, chips and other inert materials. Before the device flowerbeds plan it on millimeter paper and then pick up the plants. Create the right carpet bed from the bay-floundering will not work.

Plants for the flowerbeds are used: aheeratum, alissum, dwarf anthurium, aster dwarf, balm, marigolds, begonia, flowery, begonia, tuberose, hatsania, heliotrope, Iberis one-year, koleus, kohia, lobelia, pelargonium zonal, petunia, banana, golden pyrethrum, feverfew Girlish, portolac, rudbeckia, annual, salvia shining, violet, cineraria, etc.

The Bossack

It is a clear square in shape, cased with clipped trees or shrubs. Depending on its size, you can place the flower beds or lawns, fountain, benches, etc. The Bosquet will lead you to an alley or lane with a border of topiary bushes or dwarf flowering plants.

Bosquet will become a favorite place for lovers of roses. Due to the unique microclimate, which occurs in it, rose magnificently feel. And only there you can enjoy the scents of flowering roses to the fullest.

When creating a box in the garden, too, you must first make a plan for millimeter.

Plants for bosquets: Berberis thunbergii barberry Ottawa, European spindle tree, privet Japanese, hawthorn, dogwood White, honeysuckle, viburnum, cotoneaster brilliant, cypress, olive, Oregon Grape, juniper, lilac, plum, snezheyagodnik, spirea, Thuja occidentalis, and others.

The Secret Garden

The secret garden is a kind of bosquet, to the house. It differs from the usual in that plants are used higher, which will completely hide the corner from an alien view. In the old famous French gardens, this corner was decorated with bushes and trees. Over time, there were options using plant-lianas, able to grow to the desired size for 2-4 seasons.

Plants for the secret garden: Actinidia, barberry, euonymus, privet, hawthorn, grapes, vinogradovik, girlish grapes, dogwood, honeysuckle-Perfoliate, Saskatoon, cotoneaster, Chinese magnolia, juniper, plum, spirea, arborvitae, etc..


Parterre lawns are smashed in front of the facade of the house, along the main alley, in well-warmed places. The mixture must contain at least 50% meadow grass.

Simple lawns are used in tandem with flower beds, shrubs, trees, ponds. The basis of the mixture is fescue red.

Lawns Special plated to strengthen slopes, slopes, shallow shores of ponds, playgrounds and sodding roadsides. To this end, mixtures are sown from rapidly growing and forming dense sod grasses.

Decorative lawn. To decorate such a lawn in the turf planted stunted plants. For example, Galanthus, lilies, daisies, muscari, crocus, Scylla.

French formal garden – luxury with elements of romance (Secret Garden), which can be created even on a 400 m² (4 hundred).

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