Patio Rose Apricot Clementine from Tantau

A lot of roses – a lot of fans. How accurate is difficult to say. But one thing is indisputable – each class has its admirers. Tantau rose lovers will love the variety of roses called Apricot Clementine.

Specification of rose
Apricot Clementine

Group – Patio
Flower size – 4-6 cm in full
Aroma – barely perceptible, almost absent
Height – from 40 to 60 cm
Flowering – permanent
Resistance to powdery mildew – above average
Resistance to black spot – above average
Cold resistance – above average

Patio rose Apricot Clementine is a compact and charming plant, constantly producing all new branches, ending with an inflorescence of 3-5 flowers, at a minimum. Flowers terry. Petals are collected in concentric circles. Coloring is a chameleon: in the beginning it is the glare of rose wine, which eventually change to apricot-orange hues. The flowers of the Apricot Clementine rose retain their decorativeness for a long time.

Care about rose Apricot Clementine

For planting roses Apricot Clementine from Tantau choose sunny areas. The soil should be water- and breathable (a device of good drainage will contribute to this and the soil is useful and non-clayey, with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction). Later, after planting the bush, the rose should be watered, fed and cut off during the growing season, and sheltered for the winter.

Since the Apricot Clementine rose belongs to patio roses, its root system will need to be dredged 30 by 30 by 30 cm when planted. Top set bush, straightening the roots and covered with soil in layers, each layer abundantly watering with settled water. You can alternate the layer of soil with a layer of rotted humus. To preserve soil moisture and avoid the emergence of weed plants, we recommend mulching the soil around the flower.
Before planting roses with an open root system, they are kept for 3-4 hours in water. It is desirable that this was a useful water solution. For example, for disinfection add potassium permanganate or, simply, potassium permanganate. Also another component of the solution can be heteroauxin / root, accelerating the survival. What gives soaking in water? Often seedlings do not contain for sale properly and small roots dry up or, on the contrary, become covered with putrefactive fungi. This is where the preliminary soaking of roses in the solution of potassium permanganate will help.
Watering a rose, however, like any other plant, Apricot Clementine should be only in the base of the bush in portions of up to 8 liters of water per plant. By the way, on 1 sq. M. fit 9 such Eprikot Clementine. In the evening during a drought it is useful to give the plant a “take a shower” – spray it. This will not only add moisture, but will help to avoid the insect’s bulk – spider mites, leafworms, whiteflies, thrips, sawflies. This technique does not guarantee the complete absence of mosquitoes, but significantly affects the number of appearances. After all, all these flying-crawling appear exactly when the air is dry.

Roses respond positively to fertilization. 1-2 times a month Apricot Clementine rose must be fed with complex mineral fertilizer. At the beginning of growth, it is good to increase the dose of nitrogen supplements (2-3 supplements), in a further time a bias is made on potassium-phosphorus additives that stimulate flowering and aging. The last dressing is done in the first half of September (not later !!!). In addition to mineral fertilizers, the rose needs both vitamins and micro-macroelements. These drugs are best applied by spraying in the evening in calm weather, in contrast to fertilizers, which can be applied both in liquid and solid form.
Weeding and loosening are needed by Apricot Clementine from Tantau. Well, who likes the neighbors-parasites, which may be their parasites? And loosening (neat!) Will provide access of oxygen to the root system.
Tantau Apricot Clementine rose care is no care without pruning. In the first year after planting a plant bought in a pot, pruning is carried out in the summer to remove withered brushes and in the fall before winter (3-4 buds are left above the ground). In plants, purchased with a bare root system, a few roots are shortened before planting, and the “unreliable” ones are removed. And then also cut off the old color brushes. The variety Apricot Clementine forms with proper care a lot of new flowering shoots that need to be thinned every 2 years – cut out the old ones so that new shoots are formed. Adherents of constant pruning under the winter can leave 5-7 buds above the soil on each shoot. The fact is that patio roses, miniature roses need radical pruning only in case of illness. In general, these groups of roses are applied more forming form of pruning.

How to use rose Apricot Clementine

Patio roses are plants that are planted mainly in the foreground of a flower bed because of their growth. Another way to grow these roses is cultivation in container gardening. So the Apricot Clementine rose from Tantau will be an excellent curb and pot plant. In the neighbors fit her flowers with purple, white and rich red or burgundy color. It can be landed in rock gardens / rockeries. A compact rose will create a lasting impression like a stamen plant.

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