Noisette roses appeared in the XIX century with the crossing of the Chinese rose “Old Blush China” with a rose musk (Rosa moschata). The purpose of this crossing was to obtain fragrant, re-flowering roses. Named roses in honor of its creator. The flowers are fragrant and can have a color ranging from white to cream and pale pink. All varieties are usually re-flowering. They are afraid only of frost, so they should be well covered for the winter. The bushes of these roses can be stretched out and fall apart. Therefore, they should be grown as a clay.
Polyanthus roses are compact and covered with inflorescences from simple to double flowers. The phase of flowering is repeated twice – in summer and in autumn. Plants are very beautiful and hardy, but the flowers almost do not smell.
Portland roses. They appeared as a result of an accidental crossing of the rose of Gallic and “Autumn Damask”. These roses are characterized by repeated flowering. The bush of the Portland rose is compact, with erect shoots, which are crowned with flowers from semi-double to densely-sucked forms, often with a pleasant aroma.
Hybrid roses are rugose or wrinkled, very hardy with upright and prickly shoots. Flowers can be from simple to terry and, as a rule, pleasantly smell.

hybrid of rugosa-Blanc Double de Coubert
Centifolia roses or 100-petaled, descended from Cabbage or Provencal roses and roses Centifolia. They are characterized by double or dense flowers. And, as a rule, fragrant, which bloom once with a single wave in the summer. Coloring can be varied. These beauties are afraid of pests and diseases. And also not very resistant against low temperatures. Often a bush can fall apart, so they need support.
Tea roses come from China. They are fragrant, elegant. Flowers are terry and gustomahrovye, goblet shape. The disadvantages of tea roses are instability to diseases and pests and intolerance to low temperatures.
Hybrid roses Spinosissima or Scottish roses squat and spreading shrubs with flowers, from simple to terry. Shoots spiny. Pure plants have a short flowering. To bloom was longer, they are crossed with tea-hybrid roses.
Species roses have preserved their wild characteristics more than all kinds of roses. All of them are unpretentious. These roses bloom with the same flowering wave that begins with the beginning of summer. Flowers, usually simple, are often replaced by more spectacular fruits. They smell very beautiful. And often during flowering, there are many bees and other insects of pollinators.