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Propagation of roses through cuttings

We have already said that when adjusting the height of the pruning of rose bushes, you can adjust the duration of the flowering period and a certain period of forcing, cut quality, productivity and prospects of the variety. And we also determined the temperatures that contribute to the fastest “launch” of roses.

We bring to your attention an article on the vegetative propagation of roses in greenhouses. In addition, this article will help those who do not know how to grow a rose from a bouquet. Do-it-yourself roses like these will save you time and money. Green cuttings are a simple, convenient and quick way to propagate forcing roses with the right selection of varieties. The best time for the propagation of roses is the spring – summer months.

Among roses there are varieties that are difficult to root. For example, Mercedes, Champagner, Lorena, Landora, Frisko, Kiss, etc.

Pros of such roses:

About cuttings

The mix for cuttings is one part of leafy soil, one part of peat and half part of sand. Before planting, the mixture is disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate. Cuttings should be well lit and covered with plastic wrap. They can be placed on shelves or directly on the ground. Cuttings in this substrate are placed obliquely with a deepening of only the lower kidney. They will take root well if the lighting is of a diffuse type. In hot weather, they must be shaded.

Care for cuttings

For vital processes and the growth of the root system, cuttings need: water, heat and light, and an appropriate substrate. To maintain moisture, you can spray the leaves. As soon as small roots or callus form, the frequency of watering can be reduced. Cuttings should be aired.

Temperature is very important. The most intense root formation is observed at positive temperatures from 18 to 20 ° C. In this case, small fluctuations in the increase or decrease do not affect the growth of cuttings.

In order for the cuttings to take root faster, it is permissible to use stimulants. As a result, the terms of growing seedlings will be reduced, and their quality will increase. They will also help hard-rooted roses to develop their root system faster. And the percentage of such processed cuttings increase. That is, more rose bushes will be obtained.

The best time for propagation of forcing roses by cuttings is the budding phase. At this time, the plant grows rapidly and lignification is small.

The timing of cuttings can be tied to dates, but different timing of distillation in each case affects the state of the uterine plants and the condition of cuttings.

Own roses in the first two years require more thorough care, because they form the root system. Distillation for the third year should be gentle to maximize the preservation of the assimilation apparatus. But getting forcing roses is easier, as the plant develops in accordance with its biological properties of the root system and the aerial parts. Such landings change less frequently, and after transplantation, they are able to recover quickly.

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