Rosa floribunda differs from all other types of roses almost continuous flowering. The first varieties of these roses appeared in the 20s of the XX century. The most famous date for them is 1924, when the Danish breeder Svend Poulsen received the first grade Else Poulsen. This brand is officially considered the ancestor of all roses floribunda. After him followed other varieties of the Poulsen line.

floribundas rose
The word “floribunda” means “many flowers”. But as the term used for classification, it did not take root. But most often this is the name for this group of roses. In 1979, the Royal National Society of Rosewoods (England) began to use a different name – ” shrub roses with inflorescences ”.
The range of coloring flowers from roses floribunda is fantastic. Mostly red, yellow and orange colors of the most diverse shades predominate. Flowers are collected in a clusters on strong erect shoots. In the inflorescences collected from 5-7 to 130-160 flowers. Flowers are simple, semi-double and double; flat, cup-shaped or cup-shaped. They blossom continuously from summer to early frosts. Early varieties practically do not smell. But later blossoming can compete with the aromas of tea-hybrid roses.
Roses floribunda are more resistant to fungal diseases than tea-hybrids. In addition, they are also more enduring than aristocratic tea hybrid roses. Cultivated as bu and in the form of stumbs. Among them there are varieties that form powerful and thick bushes, which makes it possible to use them to create a hedge or to planting on the back of the mixborder. Also among them there are dwarfs up to 30 cm high. It is easier to care for roses of floribunda as they are less whimsical than tea-hybrid beauties. They are not so demanding on the composition of the soil (but you must understand that if you want to have an unsurpassed beauty on the site, then you need to provide proper care to plants). Another interesting fact about the rose floribunda: the roses of this group with large flowers in some catalogs (came from the Americans) call the ‘grandiflora’. Modern selection goes forward, and new varieties of roses are gradually getting rid of their shortcomings.
Some varieties that showed good resistance to black patchiness and powdery mildew:
Allgold, Amber Queen, Anisley Dickson, Anna Livia, Anne Harkness, Arthur Bell, Baby Bio, Beautiful Britain, Bucks Fizz, Chanelle, Chatsworth, City of London, Dame Wendy, English Miss, Fellow Ship, Fragrant Delight, Glen Fiddich, Golden Wedding, Golden Years, Gold Finger, Harvest Fayre, Koressia, Friesia, Sun Sprite, Many Happy Returns, Matangi, Melody Maker, Mountbatten, Octavia Hill, Oranges and Lemons, Picollo, Pink Parfait, Queen Elisabeth, Regensberg, Rememberance, Scarlet Queen Elisabeth, Sexy Rexy , Sheila′s Perfume, Shoking Blue, South Hampton, Summer Dream, the Times Rose, Mariandel, Top Rose, Dania, Trumpeter, Mactru, Valentine Heart, Wishing, George Girl ….