Rose Abigaile from Tantau

Bouquet on one branch? Plant a rosebush of floribunda in your area. There is a big choice in this group: if you want a low one – please, you want a container – please. What is your color? Anyone, except that there is no blue. Let’s start with a rose from Tantau – Abigaile or TANelaigib.

Specification of Abigaile

Rose Abigaile from Tantau – introduced to the culture in Germany in 1988. The author of this variety is Hans Jürgen Evers. The flower of the breeder turned out beautiful – creamy-white with carmine-crimson spots, going from the edge of the petals inside. Their number can vary from 25 to 35, and the average diameter of a fully dissolved flower is 4-6 cm. The flowers of this floribunda Abigale roses bloom in tassels, blooming one at a time. The most decorative is a rose in the phase of budding or in a half release. Further, with age, the spots become increasingly blurred, and even the entire petal becomes pinkish-white. Characteristic for them is that it is impossible to find two absolutely identical flowers in color on a bush. In loose form, the flower shows wreaths of golden pistils and stamens. Flowering – phase. Aroma – light, violet.
Rose Abigaile from Tantau – a small and compact plant. The height of the bush is a little more than 60 cm, and the width is not more than 50 cm. The leaves are small, saturated green, very shiny. 6-8 floribunda-roses Abigaile are planted for 1 m². Under adverse weather conditions, the rose may be affected by powdery mildew and black spot. Cold-resistant roses from Tantau.

Care about rose Abigaile

Roses love the sun and develop excellently in such places. The only negative – many varieties poorly preserved the original color of the petals. In this case, to assert that it is precisely for the Abigaile rose that the flowers lose their bright attractive color in loose form, we do not undertake. Probably, genetics “joked” with her. But still. The best place for planting this variety of roses – sunny, protected from winter piercing winds, plot. The soil, ideally, is a land rich in micro and macro elements with good drainage, neutral acidity (up to 1–1.5 pH units are allowed to increase), light, with organic matter. The soil types suitable for it are loam, but the rose will grow in almost all. The main thing is to prepare them: lighten them with sand, make them heavier with humus, reduce acidity, remove excess alkali …
It is necessary to water roses carefully. The entire root zone of the Abigaile rose should be wet, and not only, 2 times a week, 8-10 liters of water per plant. Top dressing should be done regularly throughout the flowering cycle. In May-June, give the rose magnesium sulfate – this will launch new sprouts in its lower part. Next, let us 1 in 2 weeks of complex mineral fertilizers, compost, organic matter, alternating between them.
Pruning is done in order to remove all old or diseased parts of the plant.

Use only clean tools. In summer, faded flowers and inflorescences are cut, in the fall, not matured shoots are mainly cut, in winter, Abigaile rose from Tantau waits quietly under the shelter of spring, and in spring, pruner is needed to cut off non-clad parts and last correction.

How to use rose Abigaile

Rose Abigaile suitable for cultivation in the open field, and in container plantings. It is planted in borders, small flower groups, for decorating low retaining walls, for decorating flower bed edges, terraces (in pots), and balconies.

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