Архивы classification of roses • Roses and Garden https://rossad12.ru/en/tag/classification-of-roses/ Сайт о розах. Уход за розами. Размножение роз. Болезни и вредители роз. Сорта роз. Группы роз. Ландшафтный дизайн. Клумбы. Газон. Кусты и кустарники. Деревья. Водоемы. Стили садов. Интересные идеи для сада. Большой сад. Маленький сад. Известные сады мира. Новости из мира роз и не только. Флористика. Колористика. Thu, 01 Feb 2018 09:12:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://rossad12.ru/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/favicon-75x75.png Архивы classification of roses • Roses and Garden https://rossad12.ru/en/tag/classification-of-roses/ 32 32 Miniature roses who they are https://rossad12.ru/en/miniature-roses-who-they-are/ https://rossad12.ru/en/miniature-roses-who-they-are/#respond Thu, 01 Feb 2018 09:12:29 +0000 https://rossad12.ru/?p=9125 Every year the popularity of miniature roses increases. These small bushes adorn the rock gardens, flower beds and serve as a beautiful frame for any flower garden as a border. They were popular back in Victorian times. The most common variety was then Pomp de Paris. But the changeable fashion has changed and over time they are completely forgotten. Only in 1918 Major Rauletti, staying in Switzerland, saw a small beauty in a pot. Subsequently, she became Rosa Roulettii, and the ancestor of modern miniature roses. On sale in most cases there are only grafted miniature roses. But they multiply

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