Архивы floribunda roses • Roses and Garden https://rossad12.ru/en/tag/floribunda-roses/ Сайт о розах. Уход за розами. Размножение роз. Болезни и вредители роз. Сорта роз. Группы роз. Ландшафтный дизайн. Клумбы. Газон. Кусты и кустарники. Деревья. Водоемы. Стили садов. Интересные идеи для сада. Большой сад. Маленький сад. Известные сады мира. Новости из мира роз и не только. Флористика. Колористика. Mon, 29 Apr 2019 07:01:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://rossad12.ru/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/favicon-75x75.png Архивы floribunda roses • Roses and Garden https://rossad12.ru/en/tag/floribunda-roses/ 32 32 Rose Abigaile from Tantau https://rossad12.ru/en/rose-abigaile-from-tantau/ https://rossad12.ru/en/rose-abigaile-from-tantau/#respond Mon, 29 Apr 2019 07:01:43 +0000 https://rossad12.ru/?p=10840 Bouquet on one branch? Plant a rosebush of floribunda in your area. There is a big choice in this group: if you want a low one – please, you want a container – please. What is your color? Anyone, except that there is no blue. Let’s start with a rose from Tantau – Abigaile or TANelaigib. Specification of Abigaile Rose Abigaile from Tantau – introduced to the culture in Germany in 1988. The author of this variety is Hans Jürgen Evers. The flower of the breeder turned out beautiful – creamy-white with carmine-crimson spots, going from the edge of the

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POPULAR ROSES GROUPS https://rossad12.ru/en/popular-roses-groups/ https://rossad12.ru/en/popular-roses-groups/#respond Fri, 02 Feb 2018 08:38:53 +0000 https://rossad12.ru/?p=9134 Popular groups of roses, a brief description and characteristics. Hybrid tea roses Hybrid tea roses are the most popular group of varieties that are grown both in the form of a bush and in the form of a stumb tree. In a typical tea-hybrid rose, the flowers are large or medium-sized with numerous petals, and the flower-bearing stems are long. Flowers on the shoot, as a rule, one or more lateral buds. Floribunda roses   Roses floribunda – bloom more than tea-hybrid, but as plants are more reliable. The flowers of these plants are collected in racemose inflorescences, although not

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