Архивы groups of roses • Roses and Garden https://rossad12.ru/en/tag/groups-of-roses/ Сайт о розах. Уход за розами. Размножение роз. Болезни и вредители роз. Сорта роз. Группы роз. Ландшафтный дизайн. Клумбы. Газон. Кусты и кустарники. Деревья. Водоемы. Стили садов. Интересные идеи для сада. Большой сад. Маленький сад. Известные сады мира. Новости из мира роз и не только. Флористика. Колористика. Thu, 19 Apr 2018 22:32:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://rossad12.ru/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/favicon-75x75.png Архивы groups of roses • Roses and Garden https://rossad12.ru/en/tag/groups-of-roses/ 32 32 SHRUB ROSES https://rossad12.ru/en/shrub-roses/ https://rossad12.ru/en/shrub-roses/#respond Thu, 19 Apr 2018 22:32:50 +0000 https://rossad12.ru/?p=9556 The term “shrub roses” applies to an extensive and diverse group of roses. It includes both small rose bushes, which can reach 1 m in height and width, as well as rather large varieties with arched-drooping growth. To the shrabas include species (or wild-growing) roses, ancient garden roses, ground-cover and English roses. Roses Alba, Bourbon roses, Gallic, Hybrid rose musk, Hybrid rose repair, Hybrid roses Eagleanteries (fragrant), Damascus roses, Chinese, Moss, Noisette, Polyanthus, Portland, Hybrids roses rugose (wrinkled), Centifolous roses (stolopestkovye), Tea , Hybrids of the rose spinosysima (prickly) or Scottish roses. Shrub roses blooming once or repeatedly. Once-blooming are

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PATIO ROSES https://rossad12.ru/en/patio-roses/ https://rossad12.ru/en/patio-roses/#respond Thu, 19 Apr 2018 22:06:44 +0000 https://rossad12.ru/?p=9553 The roses of the patio were singled out in a separate group of roses quite recently, namely in the 80s of the 20th century. They were separated from the roses floribunda as the smallest growth (but not all dwarfs floribunda moved to patio-roses – some remained). The first grades of the patio steel Meteor, Tip Top, Marlena, Stargather, Baby Bio. Such brands as, for example, Gentle Touch, Sweet Magic, Sweet Dream, belong to the title ” Best Rose of the Year ”. Rose patios are not considered an autonomous group of roses. In the catalogs they are more often referred

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Tea-hybrid roses and their history https://rossad12.ru/en/tea-hybrid-roses-and-their-history/ https://rossad12.ru/en/tea-hybrid-roses-and-their-history/#respond Sun, 04 Feb 2018 07:57:14 +0000 https://rossad12.ru/?p=9144 A bit of history Tea-hybrid roses in different catalogs are also referred to as Large-flowered or Noble roses. The history of these roses begins in 1867, when La France appeared. This variety was brought out by crossing tea and remontant roses. In 1900, the breeder J. Berne-Duchet introduced the Soleil d’Or, the first yellow tea-hybrid rose. And in 1910, a variety appeared with pure yellow flowers – Rayon d’Or. The first elegant rose with pink flowers was Ophelia in 1912. The work of breeders did not stop even during the hostilities of the First and Second World Wars. At that

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Rosa Alba and other old garden roses https://rossad12.ru/en/rosa-alba-and-other-old-garden-roses/ https://rossad12.ru/en/rosa-alba-and-other-old-garden-roses/#respond Fri, 02 Feb 2018 07:13:40 +0000 https://rossad12.ru/?p=9130 Rosa Alba Presumably this ancient group came from a rose of Gallic and a dog’s rose. Shoots erect, attractive bluish-gray foliage. Delicate and fragrant semi-double and non-marbled flowers appear in the summer once with a single flowering wave. Roses alba are hardy, reliable and resistant to disease. Rosa ‘Alba Foliacea’ Rosa ‘Alba Maxima’ Rosa ‘Alba Semi-plena’ Rosa ‘Alba’ Suaveolens’ Rosa ‘Amélia’ Rosa ‘Belle Amour’ Rosa ‘Blanche de Belgique’ Rosa ‘Céleste’ Rosa ‘Chloris’ Rosa ‘Félicité Parmentier’ Rosa ‘Great Maiden’s Blush’ Rosa ‘Jeanne d’Arc’ Rosa ‘Königin von Dänemark’ Rosa ‘Mme Legras de St Germain’ Rosa ‘Mme Plantier’ Rosa ‘Crimson Blush’ Rosa ‘Lemon

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How to buy miniature roses https://rossad12.ru/en/how-to-buy-miniature-roses/ https://rossad12.ru/en/how-to-buy-miniature-roses/#respond Thu, 01 Feb 2018 09:25:31 +0000 https://rossad12.ru/?p=9128 In this article we will talk about how to buy miniature roses. Among other things, you will find small recommendations on how to care for such roses. What you should know when buying a miniature When buying a seedlings of any miniature roses, the label should contain at least such information: color of the flower, aroma, number of petals, flower size, plant height, leaf size, growth pattern, resistance to diseases and cold and rewards (if any). Of course, in addition to buying a flower, you can reproduce it yourself. To do this, you need to find the shank, put it

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Miniature roses who they are https://rossad12.ru/en/miniature-roses-who-they-are/ https://rossad12.ru/en/miniature-roses-who-they-are/#respond Thu, 01 Feb 2018 09:12:29 +0000 https://rossad12.ru/?p=9125 Every year the popularity of miniature roses increases. These small bushes adorn the rock gardens, flower beds and serve as a beautiful frame for any flower garden as a border. They were popular back in Victorian times. The most common variety was then Pomp de Paris. But the changeable fashion has changed and over time they are completely forgotten. Only in 1918 Major Rauletti, staying in Switzerland, saw a small beauty in a pot. Subsequently, she became Rosa Roulettii, and the ancestor of modern miniature roses. On sale in most cases there are only grafted miniature roses. But they multiply

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