Архивы history of roses • Roses and Garden https://rossad12.ru/en/tag/history-of-roses/ Сайт о розах. Уход за розами. Размножение роз. Болезни и вредители роз. Сорта роз. Группы роз. Ландшафтный дизайн. Клумбы. Газон. Кусты и кустарники. Деревья. Водоемы. Стили садов. Интересные идеи для сада. Большой сад. Маленький сад. Известные сады мира. Новости из мира роз и не только. Флористика. Колористика. Thu, 15 Nov 2018 19:25:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://rossad12.ru/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/favicon-75x75.png Архивы history of roses • Roses and Garden https://rossad12.ru/en/tag/history-of-roses/ 32 32 ABOUT GROUNDCOVER ROSES https://rossad12.ru/en/about-groundcover-roses/ https://rossad12.ru/en/about-groundcover-roses/#respond Thu, 15 Nov 2018 19:25:05 +0000 https://rossad12.ru/?p=10225 Groundcover roses combines decorativeness. Beautiful in form and color leaves, various flowers and unique fruits crowned densely branched bushes. As a rule, the width of a bush is always noticeably greater than its height. Plants bloom profusely throughout the season and unpretentious care. History of groundcover roses Groundcover roses were isolated as a separate group in the mid 70s of the twentieth century. But history knows that a groundcover has been grown as Rosa Wichuriana (Vihura) since the 19th century. The parents of these roses are miniature varieties of Chinese dwarf roses and the shape of the Wichuriana rose. In

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TEA HYBRID ROSES & SOME VARIETIES https://rossad12.ru/en/tea-hybrid-roses-some-varieties/ https://rossad12.ru/en/tea-hybrid-roses-some-varieties/#respond Wed, 07 Nov 2018 16:34:23 +0000 https://rossad12.ru/?p=10214 Of all the known groups and types of roses that are grown by gardeners, the most popular hybrid tea and floribunda roses. However, the most planted varieties of tea hybrid roses. All the flowers that Mother Nature creates as shrubs or stamb trees are a separate work of art. Just a hybrid tea rose is a classic plant of this species. Imagine that you see an elongated bud with a sharp tip. It dissolves before your eyes. Slowly open many velvety or satin petals with neat curved edges, which are folded in the center into a high cone. Flower color

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TWO GROUPS: CLIMBERS & RAMBLERS https://rossad12.ru/en/two-groups-climbers-ramblers/ https://rossad12.ru/en/two-groups-climbers-ramblers/#respond Sun, 29 Apr 2018 23:37:55 +0000 https://rossad12.ru/?p=9727 Curling roses are used for various landscaping and decoration of various decorative columns, balconies, arbors and other architectural forms. The two group of curling roses includes large – flowered roses or climbers and multi-flowered roses – ramblers. History of curling roses The history of curling roses in Europe begins with the XVIII century. In 1793 from China came the rose bracteal – Rosa bracteata. It was brought back by Lord McCartney, who at that time was the ambassador of King George III in China. In honor of her introductory rose was named Rosa McCartney. In the same century a multi-flowered

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How did the French rose https://rossad12.ru/en/how-did-the-french-rose/ https://rossad12.ru/en/how-did-the-french-rose/#respond Thu, 19 Apr 2018 00:21:45 +0000 https://rossad12.ru/?p=9543 We continue to talk about the history of roses, in this article you will learn how arose a French rose, namely such famous varieties as Princess Helene, La France, Ma Paquerette, etc. In the early 16th century, Count Lancaster brought a French rose or a red rose from France – rosa gallica. This rose became the emblem of this kind. Rosa alba or white rose was the emblem of the Dukes of York. As a result, in history there is a place for the Wars of the Roses: Red Rose and the White Rose or the Thirty Years’ War for

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HISTORY AND ROSES https://rossad12.ru/en/history-and-roses/ https://rossad12.ru/en/history-and-roses/#respond Thu, 08 Mar 2018 12:28:06 +0000 https://rossad12.ru/?p=9293 An ancient rose, what do you know about the history of the rose? The birthplace of the flower of the rose, the cult traditions associated with the rose, etc. About all this read in this article. Of all the known flowers, none has such a rich, ancient and fabulous story as a rose. This wonderful creation of nature has been hypnotizing people for several thousand years with its virtues – color, shape and smell. Gulustan or “Country of Roses” – Persia – modern Iran – are considered the birthplace of the culture of garden roses. The cultivation of these flowers

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FROM THE HISTORY OF ROSES https://rossad12.ru/en/from-the-history-of-roses/ https://rossad12.ru/en/from-the-history-of-roses/#respond Mon, 26 Feb 2018 09:12:30 +0000 https://rossad12.ru/?p=9246 The history of the rose flower. This is what will be discussed in this article. Also you will learn the history of the appearance of some varieties of roses. Mother Nature created flowers as an embodiment of beauty, which should be amazing as an unsurpassed art. Man turns to them both in joy and in sorrow. There is no end to the riches and variety of colors, but the crown of creation is a rose. It was the inspiration of many poets and artists. Many ancient legends, legends and songs that magnify it as a flower of unique beauty, love

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