Архивы patio roses • Roses and Garden https://rossad12.ru/en/tag/patio-roses/ Сайт о розах. Уход за розами. Размножение роз. Болезни и вредители роз. Сорта роз. Группы роз. Ландшафтный дизайн. Клумбы. Газон. Кусты и кустарники. Деревья. Водоемы. Стили садов. Интересные идеи для сада. Большой сад. Маленький сад. Известные сады мира. Новости из мира роз и не только. Флористика. Колористика. Sun, 05 May 2019 04:52:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://rossad12.ru/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/favicon-75x75.png Архивы patio roses • Roses and Garden https://rossad12.ru/en/tag/patio-roses/ 32 32 Patio Rose Apricot Clementine from Tantau https://rossad12.ru/en/patio-rose-apricot-clementine-from-tantau/ https://rossad12.ru/en/patio-rose-apricot-clementine-from-tantau/#respond Sun, 05 May 2019 04:52:21 +0000 https://rossad12.ru/?p=11043 A lot of roses – a lot of fans. How accurate is difficult to say. But one thing is indisputable – each class has its admirers. Tantau rose lovers will love the variety of roses called Apricot Clementine. Specification of rose Apricot Clementine Group – Patio Flower size – 4-6 cm in full Aroma – barely perceptible, almost absent Height – from 40 to 60 cm Flowering – permanent Resistance to powdery mildew – above average Resistance to black spot – above average Cold resistance – above average Patio rose Apricot Clementine is a compact and charming plant, constantly producing

Сообщение Patio Rose Apricot Clementine from Tantau появились сначала на Roses and Garden.

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PATIO ROSES https://rossad12.ru/en/patio-roses/ https://rossad12.ru/en/patio-roses/#respond Thu, 19 Apr 2018 22:06:44 +0000 https://rossad12.ru/?p=9553 The roses of the patio were singled out in a separate group of roses quite recently, namely in the 80s of the 20th century. They were separated from the roses floribunda as the smallest growth (but not all dwarfs floribunda moved to patio-roses – some remained). The first grades of the patio steel Meteor, Tip Top, Marlena, Stargather, Baby Bio. Such brands as, for example, Gentle Touch, Sweet Magic, Sweet Dream, belong to the title ” Best Rose of the Year ”. Rose patios are not considered an autonomous group of roses. In the catalogs they are more often referred

Сообщение PATIO ROSES появились сначала на Roses and Garden.

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POPULAR ROSES GROUPS https://rossad12.ru/en/popular-roses-groups/ https://rossad12.ru/en/popular-roses-groups/#respond Fri, 02 Feb 2018 08:38:53 +0000 https://rossad12.ru/?p=9134 Popular groups of roses, a brief description and characteristics. Hybrid tea roses Hybrid tea roses are the most popular group of varieties that are grown both in the form of a bush and in the form of a stumb tree. In a typical tea-hybrid rose, the flowers are large or medium-sized with numerous petals, and the flower-bearing stems are long. Flowers on the shoot, as a rule, one or more lateral buds. Floribunda roses   Roses floribunda – bloom more than tea-hybrid, but as plants are more reliable. The flowers of these plants are collected in racemose inflorescences, although not

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