Varieties of white roses from different groups are very many and while there is a selection and people ready to deal with this matter day and night, a cohort with this color will be replenished with new beauties. This time we suggest that you get acquainted with the roses of white-cream coloring from Tantau. Each variety has the right to take its place in the garden, on the flowerbed and city parks. Some are fragrant, others amaze with the ideal nature of the flower, and others – the massiveness of flowers during flowering. But, the taste and color of a friend is not and everyone in this list will find their white roses.
rose Alabaster
Alabaster – a variety with milky white many petaled flowers, appearing on the bush all the time in the season. The size of the flower in the fully open state can reach 10 cm. The flowers are collected in inflorescences, consisting of 3-5 flowers. The aroma is pleasant, of medium intensity. Foliage – dense, dark green. The rose belongs to the floribunda group, and like most of these roses, it reaches a little more than 80 cm in height. It is an energy plant that quickly accumulates a total mass and is able to become a “tall pink lawn” – it is possible to plant up to 6 bushes per 1 m2 with the distance between them in 40 cm. The rose is medium resistant to diseases such as powdery mildew and black spot, it hibernates well with proper shelter (in a warm climate, shelter is not done). It can be used in a variety of group plantings (mixborders, collies), as an independent plant in curbs, borders, and grow in containers.
white rose Artemis
Milky-white, cup-shaped, densely dressed, in brushes for 5-7 pcs., Fragrant flowers are peculiar to Artemis. In addition, they appear constantly and their size in the open form – 4-6 cm. Blooms early. The leaves are dark green in color and glossy. To the positive characteristics of this variety of white roses we attribute excellent resistance to powdery mildew and black spot, as well as cold resistance (but this does not mean that it should not be sheltered for the winter). It is a modern shrub rose and its height can be 1.3 m. It is possible to plant a rose in group plantings, hedges, mixed-type flowerbeds – mixborders, collies, and also grow for sale as a cutting plant.
Most white roses react negatively to long rains and first of all it can be seen on flowers – the so-called botrytis disease. However, a rose growing on a sunny place, in nutrient soil without water stagnation does not lend itself to it.
Cute Haze rose
Next, let’s talk about a ground-cover rose with simple flowers. It’s called Cute Haze. It looks best in the group plantings and gives the impression that the apple trees blossom (the flower resembles apple blossom) at the feet and while the whole summer without stopping. The flower is small – 2-4 cm. Aroma – medium intensity. The leaves are green, matte. The rose has immunity to diseases – powdery mildew and black spot. In cold climates it is necessary to grow only recommended soil and thermal conditions – nutrient drained soil, a sunny place and mandatory shelter for the winter. In warm regions, shelter is not required.
There are zones in the world where some varieties produce an excellent result, while others are simply tormented or their owners are very meticulous looking after them. In order not to torment the plants and you have to select varieties that will normally transfer these climatic conditions – zoned or buy roses, the characteristics of which are the most suitable for growing in your region.
rose Honeymilk
Patio-rose Honeymilk with creamy flowers and the shape of which is close to the tea-hybrid. They are collected in a cluster for 5-7 flowers in each. The size of the flower is 4-7 cm in fully open condition. Early blooms. The leaves are bright green, small. The height of the rose is more than 0.5 m, under some conditions it can be 0.8 m. You can use the rose on flowerbeds, in large and small groups, and in collies, and cultivate in containers. Resistance to diseases – increased. In cold regions it will require shelter.
Kastelruther Spatzen Rose
Ground cover Kastelruther Spatzen Rose is simply dotted with inflorescences, consisting of 5-10 milky-white flowers of medium size (4-7cm). The aroma is light, like the smell of violets. Flowering – phase. The leaves are small, dark green and shiny. The size of the plant is 40-60 cm. This variety can grow in unstable partial shade. These white roses are resistant to disease, and for winter, this variety must be harbored. It is great for growing in small groups, pots.
La Paloma 85 rose
Among the white roses there are many that gardeners know in person and one of them is La Paloma 85. It belongs to the floribunda group, but because of its ability to grow well and build up a dense mass it can be used as a ground cover plant. In addition, it can grow in group plantings of a mixed type of small sizes or one plant, dissimilar flowerbeds – mixborders, cuttings, curbs, in containers. Another rose is grown for cutting.
Roses give the general appearance of the plant, declared by the producer, only with proper care and chemical, biological and mineral composition of the soil.
Perennial Blush rose
The climbing rose Perennial Blush is a strong rambler (3-4 m), covered with green glossy leaves and white flowers, collected in a clusters for 5-10 pcs. in one. The flowers are small and it belongs to the small-flowered roses. The aroma reminds a lily. Flowering is repetitive and begins at the end of May. On a cold, rainy summer, flowers acquire a pinkish tinge of petals. A strong rose that perfectly resists illnesses and colds. It is suitable for all kinds of supports, retaining walls.
rose Polar Stern
Now about a tea-hybrid rose with a creamy shade of flowers at the beginning of the blossoming, passing into pure white in complete dissolution. Call the rose Polar Stern. The flowers are large and appear all season – on one shoot one rose. It all depends on the age of the rose bush and the method of pruning. The leaves are dark green, large and almost without shine. Quite a steady rose, but in damp, long weather can be affected by fungal sores. She also does not like the long absence of moisture and the hot summer it is watered.
Roses are watered in the evening or early in the morning under the root, while the watering composition should be used once for 2-3 weeks – add dissolved fertilizers to the water.
rose White Haze
The modern bush rose (shrab) White Haze, though it has simple flowers, but there are so many of them on the bush and not small sizes (6-8 cm), that few people will remain indifferent to it. Worthy and leaves, serving as a background for white clouds of flowers – dark green, large and shiny. Flowering is constant. Rose will show these characteristics in full measure for the second year after planting. The aroma is pleasant, of medium intensity. The height of the rose is 1-1.3 m. Strong rose – the disease is almost not affected and it perfectly winters. It is excellent in mass plantings, in large and small groups, hedges, high curbs.