Care rose park

Hybrid tea and floribunda roses are the most popular of all roses. But park roses do not have such success in small areas. They are often planted in regular gardens and parks. The thing is that they look amazing on a large space. However, this is unfair to them. They will perfectly cope with hiding unpresentable buildings and can be an excellent background for other plants and their kind. The color and shape of the flowers can also make you think about the correctness of this judgment.

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Care rose park

Park rose care which is correct pruning requires special treatment. The fact is that park roses are not recommended to be cut. You can apply to them only trimming trim. But recommendations are recommendations, but practice says something quite different. It should be done to stimulate the formation of strong growth in the lower part of the bush, including the root, and the replacement of older stems that are not so powerful and rarely bloom.

Important! Plants of some varieties of park roses form flowers, both on the growth of the current year, and on the side branches of the first and second order, located on older stems; some varieties bloom once a year, while others constantly bloom throughout the season; Some varieties have decorative fruits.

Basic provisions for pruning park roses

  • Do not prune before planting, only shorten undeveloped and damaged stems, and remove thick and damaged roots.
  • The stems must be positioned correctly to form a strong skeleton; after flowering remove thin and weak growth; trim as sick and dead gains are detected
  • Withered flowers should be regularly removed, except for those whose fruits are decorative. Such pruning is very useful for remontant varieties of park roses.
  • In the summer, pinch all the strong gains. This will stimulate the formation of flowering side shoots of the first and second order, and will destroy the source of infection. Because the tops of young shoots are often affected by powdery mildew.

Park roses are divided into three subgroups. The first includes varieties that require minimal pruning. Accordingly, the second and third subgroups contribute varieties to which moderate pruning is applicable. The only difference is the size of the bushes: in the third subgroup, the varieties of park roses are more border type.

Thus, a park rose whose care consists of minimal special pruning requires a special royal attitude.

Grow plants with pleasure!

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