Proper pruning of fifth grade climbing roses

Flora is so rich and amazes with its diversity that no matter how picky a person is, he will definitely find his plant. But the rose is a flower that does not leave anyone indifferent. And so that she constantly pleased with her magnificence, we must constantly monitor her condition. One of the most important arrangements for the care of the queen of flowers is the correct pruning of roses.

We have already told you what types of pruning apply to the four groups of climbing roses. Left the fifth group. To determine it is not difficult. We shall attribute to it those varieties of roses, whose weaves calmly take a height of 6 m. Classical representatives of such “creeping” are found among Phillips roses and Banks roses.

The first year of pruning roses

Before planting, climbing roots with very powerful increments remove too large roots and the sick, the rest is shortened a little. So do with damaged tops of the stems. They must be cut to healthy tissue. With side shoots do not do anything.

обрезка плетистых роз картина

Second and subsequent years

This conditional group of climbing roses does not need pruning. However, it must be remembered that sick and very leaky stems cut out. It is advisable to grow these plants by type of tree.

Over the years, giant roses become too large and require anti-aging pruning.

Curly roses are a great option for vertical gardening your garden. This method of decorating the site will give new shades to a single-colored wall, form a good background for a flower garden or become the main accent in the garden. Vertical roses will help increase the area occupied by plants, promise something new and unexplored around the turn of the path, even if it rests against a wall.

In a large garden, vertical walls of climbing roses will help to divide it into zones. The flowering shrub of the climbing rose is an impressive sight. They can be used both in small country gardens and rural manors, and in large regular gardens. Plant such a rose on the lawn on any of the simplest supports of three poles buried in the ground.

Plant a fragrant climbing rose near the gazebo and drink coffee there with pleasure. And let the entrance to your estate adorn the arch, on which the rose-liana winds in full bloom. We advise you to read How to prune climbing roses in spring

In all its magnificence, the rose garden will feel great if the correct pruning of roses is carried out in a timely and correct manner. And in the end, only the unmistakable type of pruning should correspond to each group of roses.

Enjoy your growing!

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