Main types of lavender

Lavender is a very popular plant and includes 39 different species. They are grown in temperate climates as ornamental plants and for the extraction of essential oil. She is a lover of the sun, perennial and grows on well-drained soil, tolerates drought, almost does not get sick and is not affected by pests. The color of the flowers, their shape, as well as the same characteristics for the leaves and the endurance varies depending on the variety.

The main types of lavender grown in the gardens


A type of English lavender (also called real lavender or ordinary) comes from the Mediterranean. The color of the flowers may be blue-violet, lavender, violet-blue or white-pink. Thin buds open to the ends of long vertical stems from early summer and bloom to the middle. The foliage is tinted in gray-green and greenish-purple colors in the summer, and in the winter gets silvery-green or greyish-bronze shades. The bush at the English lavender is formed from vertically directed half-woody branches, 60-90 cm high. She prefers “light soils” (with a lot of sand). Sustainability zones USDA – 5 – 9. In the gardens, it is planted to create curbs along paths, sidewalks, retaining walls, rock gardens and other mass floral-leafy compositions. Grades: Nana Alba, Hidcote, Little Lottie, Thumbelina Leigh, Rosea, Munstead, Folgate, Miss Katherine, Melissa Lilac.


French Lavender – evergreen shrub, also known as fringed lavender because toothed leaf shape. It grows in the territory of eastern and southern Spain. The aroma of the leaves of this type of lavender contains rosemary and lavender notes. It is not so rich, but memorable. The inflorescences of this shrub compact. The color of the bracts is light purple, and the corollas are light purple. It blooms from early summer to autumn. In the natural habitat of flowering with sufficient heat and lighting lasts constantly. The leaves of this lavender are bright gray-green with jagged edges. The height of the bush is 30–90 cm. USDA sustainability zones are 8–9. In cold regions, this lavender is best grown only in containers. Varieties: Royal Crown, Monet, Grey French, Agadir, Pure Harmony, Dusky Maiden, Lambikins, Linda Ligon, Serenity, Ploughman`s Blue.


Lavandin – Lavender is a hybrid form of combining cold resistance and heat resistance of the English lavender Portuguese lavender, which makes it very desirable to create in the garden atmosphere Provencal style. On long (75 cm on average) shoots spikelets of small flowers bloom, painted in shades from dark purple to white. The foliage of a lavandin is gray-green, fragrant, as are the flowers. It blooms profusely from mid to late summer. Resilience zones – 5 – 9. Lavandin is planted in mass plantings, hedges, grass gardens, curbs, rock gardens or create accents with it. Grades: Grosso, Hidcote Giant, Impress Purple, Phenomenal, Provence, Seal.


The homeland of Portuguese lavender (or ether) is the western part of the Mediterranean region. The aroma of this type of lavender is stronger and sharper than that of English lavender. The flowers are collected in spikelets and placed on the stems, from 30 to 90 cm long. Abundant flowering of shrubs begins from the end of spring and ends with the summer. Leaves – wide and dense, silvery-green, evergreen. The zones of sustainability – 6 – 8. According to the information from the site of the Mediterranean Garden Society, the Portuguese lavender variety Corbières was developed. However, it can not be found in a wide sale.  


Spanish lavender is also called French or lavender butterfly. The area of ​​its natural growth is the Mediterranean and North Africa. This type of lavender is grown in large quantities due to the high content of aromatic oils in silver-green leaves. The shape of a shrub flower resembles a cone, and the flowers “look” up. The “lump” ends with the characteristic “ears” of the petals. The small flowers of Spanish lavender are dark purple and do not smell. It blooms from mid-spring and lasts until the end of summer. The height of the branches is from 45 to 60 cm. Resistance zones are 8 to 9. In cold regions, it is cultivated as a container plant. Varieties: lavandula penduculata subsp. penduculata, Anouk, Ballerina, Fathead, Kew Red, Regal Spledour.

Enjoy your growing!

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